CEO fraud in combination with AI... Be warned!
CEO fraud in combination with AI... Be warned!

Written by:
Leo Hoogma, 29 February 2024

Fwd: Prompt payment !
The headline gives it away a bit, but the content can be confusing. The email seems to come... From the boss himself!
It happened to our colleague Jan, who unsuspectingly opened his mailbox. Email from Leo Hoogma, director and owner of Hoogma Webdesign. The content of the email was as follows:
"Hello Jan,
We need to send an urgent payment to Great Britain today. What information is needed to make this payment and can it still be paid today?
Greetings, Leo Hoogma. "
Phishing via employees
Luckily, Jan was not born yesterday, and soon discovered that this is CEO fraud: phishers send a fake email, supposedly from the CEO of the company, in the hope of capturing data necessary for making a payment. To the fraudsters themselves, of course.
We cannot warn often enough about this kind of misery; don't fall for it. Always check whether the email really comes from your manager, for example by checking the email address.
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Have you received an email and are you unsure about its authenticity? We are happy to watch with you!
Nothing is more annoying than when lazy internet criminals cheat you, as a hardworking entrepreneur, out of money with phishing emails. We are happy to look with you if you have received an email and you have doubts about its authenticity. For example, as in the example above, or from the KVK. Email your question without obligation to or send us a screenshot via WhatsApp. Our support team is ready to help you!
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