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Your website extra secured with our 2-step verification

Your website extra secured with our 2-step verification

Your website extra secured with our 2-step verification Hoogma Webdesign Beerta
Leo Hoogma - Hoogma Webdesign Beerta

Written by:
, 26 July 2020

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Especially for the security of our customers and to protect their website and privacy-sensitive information that is stored within that website, Hoogma Webdesign has made 2-step verification possible.

What is 2-Step Verification?

2-step verification means that you not only log in with a password, but also enter a code that you will see on your mobile phone.

How does 2-step verification work?

  • Download the Google Authenticator app on your mobile phone.
  • Scan the barcode that you will see on the login screen of your website.

From now on, the account is linked to the app. Every time you want to log in, you not only enter your usual password, but also the code that can be seen on your mobile. This code is refreshed every 30 seconds, so it changes every half minute.

Why 2-step verification?

The main reason why you would want to activate this extra security in your website is because you want to be sure that you are the only one who can access the management menu of your website and view and change data. It often happens that, with the abundance of passwords that are needed for everything, and which are often asked to keep them different due to the risk of discovery or hacking, we automatically save the passwords in our browser. But do not forget that anyone who crawls behind your screen, so that way, can also access the management menu of your website. You shouldn't want that, because here you not only have all important data about your company stored, but also customer and personnel data and in some cases even invoices and financial data. Surely you shouldn't think about that data falling into the wrong hands?

European privacy law (AVG)

The European Privacy legislation came into effect on 25 May 2018; the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is in force. As an organization, you have more obligations than before when it comes to processing personal data (accountability). This European privacy law applies to all organizations that process personal data, including (small) SMEs and freelancers who process data such as keeping track of customer agreements, telephone numbers of customers or personnel information. If a company does not comply with the GDPR, sanctions can be imposed. These are not tender, fines can amount to 7 (!) Zeros.

Want to know more about online safety and prevent fines?

Then contact Hoogma Webdesign in Beerta. We give clear answers to your questions and help to optimally secure your website so that you as an entrepreneur can more easily fulfill your accountability. We can be reached at 0031597-855758 and via

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